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Compiling shared libraries

Compilation requirements

  • A C compiler
    • Windows: Microsoft Visual Studio
    • Linux-based systems: GCC
  • CMake

Visual Studio

If you need to install Microsoft VS, make sure to add the correct package that is "Desktop development with C++" during the installation. In case you already have Microsoft VS, you can add the package accordingly: Tools -> Get Tools and Features... -> Check the box "Desktop development with C++"


Make sure to include CMake if prompted.

And you are ready!

Library compilation process

Here are the steps to compile shared libraries for the models found in models\c\:

  • Create a build folder, for example build, and enter it (cd build)
  • Prepare CMake with cmake ..
  • Compile the libraries with cmake --build . --config Release -j4 -v (Of course, the number of threads -jX can be adjusted to your machine)