The following versions and revisions are available:
Version: 1
Number of parameters: 11
Range: [T : 0:0.1:50 , B : 5:3:15, Tc0 : 9.2 , Bc20 : 14.5 , Jc_ref : , C0 :, alpha :, beta :, gamma : , WireDiameter : 1, Cu_noCu : 1]
The following versions and revisions are available:
Version: 1
Number of parameters: 11
Range: [T : 0:0.1:50 , B : 5:3:15, Tc0 : 9.2 , Bc20 : 14.5 , Jc_ref : , C0 :, alpha :, beta :, gamma : , WireDiameter : 1, Cu_noCu : 1]